Camping trips: they may sound like a great idea but fizzle out before it can come together. Or, maybe it’s a ton of work for one person to plan and organize. Luckily, there’s a better way.
We’ve built Fabulist around how people actually communicate and work together to organize to make things happen. Here’s how to transform how you plan camping trips in 5 simple steps with the help of Fabulist.
1. Find the time to camp
We all know how hard it can be to wrangle your friends and family to find a date that works for everyone. The trick here is communication and advanced planning – just spin up a group in Fabulist, invite your friends, and start chatting.
Once you decide what works best, create an event and invite everyone – this allows you to track the status of attendees (who is yes/no/maybe) and keep the discussion and info in one place. Things are likely to change, so enabling just one person to update the plan is a major convenience to all.

2. Find the place to camp
Once you’ve locked in a date, you can now look into where to camp. There are many options with different sites to help aide you in your search -state parks, private camping, or maybe even a friend’s backyard.
Regardless of where you want to camp, you can use Fabulist to send links, share ideas, and get everyone on board to make the decision. Once you book it, update the event to keep track of important things like check in/check out times, addresses, and other info.

3. Choose some activities
The activities you might want to do on your camping trip can vary wildly – maybe you’re just going to play cards around a campfire or just enjoy the campground without leaving it. Or maybe you’re camping as a means to access other activities – like hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, or whatever else you’re into.
Either way, it’s best to throw out some options with details into Fabulist so you can easily reference them when you’re out there and everyone can be on the same page. Instead of one person hoarding notes on their phone or email, everyone in the group can have visibility with one click – just drop it in Fabulist and edit as you go.
Bonus Tip: Fabulist has offline mode, which means you can access all content in Fabulist even if you don’t have cell service – this can be crucial if you’re out in the backcountry.

If you need to make reservations, having folks RSVP in advance makes it incredibly easy to plan!
4. Prepare a meal plan
After you have a decent idea of what activities you would be getting into and when, you can put together a meal plan. You can chat with your friends about it and spin up a list to keep track of who is bringing what.
Lists in Fabulist make this super easy and you can easily reference what you’ve signed up for when shopping in the grocery store, and again as you’re packing up your stuff to make sure you didn’t forget anything.

5. Plan & pack your gear
Even if you’re backpacking and packing light – there’s still a lot of stuff to bring. Particularly the “little” things that can really hurt if you forget it.
Plus, let’s face it – camping gear is expensive and some folks may need to borrow or make use of something from others. Someone may have gear that can cover others, so you can avoid a situation where folks bring unnecessary gear (like, if everyone were to bring their own camp stove) or someone may forget to pack something important for the group.

Throwing it all in a list and having folks sign up for what they’re bringing makes this so much easier, and again – you can reference the list as you’re packing your things – so it serves a double purpose.
With Fabulist, you can make it simple for everyone to communicate, pitch in, have fun, and feel like they’re part of the process. Making it easy to facilitate the planning process can directly lead to a successful trip, and eliminate any last minute scrambling. Have fun out there!